Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sometimes waiting is not the appropriate choice...


VeraciA Kex said...

hey valkyrie! your doodles are so cute!! and you only use paint! it's something! :D

Valky said...

Yup! I only use paint program. ^^ thx for your comment.

Unknown said...

hi valkyrie! your concept is great.You must be putting in a long time to do these drawings.Keep up the good work

My blog

Anonymous said...

Is this comic aimed at who I think it is ?

Valky said...

Reply to Acadiak

Nope... its not what you are thinking ^^ (It's just a doodle that inspire me)

Valky said...

Reply to Varun

Hey! Thanks for your comments ^^
Well, to me at first it takes me longer to draw.. but as i draw, it became more and more easier.